You've heard about Physical Therapy but what exactly do physical therapist (PT) and physical therapy assistants (PTA) do? Find out in this episode of the Fitness Manifest Podcast. PTA Dan Streb guest stars in this episode as he talks about the different tools he uses to help patients and addresses common questions like when should you use heat versus ice therapy?
Manifest Challenge:
Check out the HEP2Go website. This resource is a libary of strengthing and mobility exercises physical therapist and occupational therapists use to create home exercise programs for their patients. Even if you're not a professional this website can give you exercises to add to your routine. Best of all its free!
Click this link:
A special thanks to Dan Streb for sharing his wealth of knowledge if you want to know more about Dan check out his instagram!
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Produced by:
Teresa Cedeno & Catherine Wong
Edited by:
Catherine Wong
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