34. What Happens When You Drink Alcohol?

Episode 34 April 12, 2022 00:08:34
34. What Happens When You Drink Alcohol?
Fitness Manifest
34. What Happens When You Drink Alcohol?

Apr 12 2022 | 00:08:34


Show Notes

Alcohol seems to be ingrained into American society, we drink at weddings, barbeques, girls night out, or with dinner but how does your body process alcohol and how does it affect your health? I'll answer this and more on episode 34 of the Fitness Manifest Podcast.

Manifest Challenge: an action step that helps you progress in your health and fitness journey.

This week I challenge you to keep a journal how what you drink and how often. An extra challenge for those who want to tone or lose weight. After journaling your alcohol intake decide if you prefer to cut down on your consumption or swap your higher calories drinks for lower ones. By lowering the amount of alcoholic calories you'll be creating a bigger calorie deficiet which is vital for toning and losing weight. Let me know what you find out on instagram using #manifestchallenge.


Here the calorie comparison chart for alcohol I mentioned in the epsiode: https://www.fitnessmanifest.com/post/spirits-liquor-calorie-comparison-chart 


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Produced by

Catherine Wong & Teresa Cedeno

Edited by 

Catherine Wong 

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Hello, my little sugar cubes. Welcome to the fitness manifest podcast. If you, Speaker 1 00:00:05 Or what to do, that's a resort to do. Speaker 2 00:00:10 Side effects might include motivation, empowerment, giggles, enlightenment inspiration. Speaker 0 00:00:16 Good. Speaker 0 00:00:17 Welcome to the fitness manifest podcast. My name is Theresa sadden. I'm a personal trainer teaching you how our bodies work, how to incorporate new healthy habits and how to reach your fitness goals with longevity in mind. Most people drink socially, whether it be a glass of wine or a few beers with friends, alcohol is as much a part of our everyday diet as or other soft drinks. So it only makes sense to factor it into your fitness journey and to make sure that you address it. Although alcohol may be routine information shared about it, isn't as common. So this episode is gonna cover why alcohol gives you a hangover, how it affects your body and what kind of alcohol pairs? Well with weight loss, let's start with the basics. We know what alcohol is. It's tequila and vodka, mezcal and bourbon. But what is alcohol made alcohol at? Speaker 0 00:01:13 The chemical level is a organic molecule called ethanol. That's created when someone fer, mens, apples, grapes, potatoes, agave, or barley, the while this information might help you win a trivia question. This is a health and fitness podcast. So I wanna teach you how alcohol gets broken down in your body. Having a better understanding of how your body processes alcohol can help you make more informed decisions on what and when to consume it. I think most of us know alcohol is metabolized in the ever, but I was surprised to learn. There are multiple ways the body breaks it down. The most common methods involves two enzymes, a D H and a L D H. These enzymes full names are alcohol dehydrogenase and Al dehi dehydrogenase. But they're really long to say each time some to stick to their abbreviations. A D H and a L D H. Speaker 0 00:02:08 So a D breaks down alcohol into a form called aide. Also known as ethanol research suggests. One of the reasons why alcohol is so toxic to our body is because ethanol is thought to interfere with the copying of DNA and repairing of damaged DNA. The silver lining though, is that ethanol doesn't stay for long. A L D H soon breaks down ethanol into acetate and finally water and carbon dioxide. Aside from the toxic ethanol, drinking alcohol often leads to weight gain. We've all heard the term beer belly before, and it's not just temporary bloating from drinking, but actually result from how your body processes alcohol. When the liver senses there is ethanol or alcohol present, it uses it as fuel. Instead of fatty acids. When someone drinks alcohol consistently, it even affects how one's mitochondria functions. The mitochondria is the powerhouse of every cell, and it normally breaks down dietary fat into fatty acids for easy use. Speaker 0 00:03:13 But with chronic alcohol consumption, this process is slowed down. The result is that your body notices, there's a bunch of dietary fat that isn't needed. So it stores it in your fat cells as triglycerides phosphel lipids and cholesterol esters in your liver. Even after alcohol has passed through your system, the fatty acid oxidation will still be slowed down, meaning you'll create a larger fat supply, dysfunctional fat metabolism. Isn't the only negative side effect of drinking. There's also the dehydrating head pounding, nauseating, dizzy feeling of hangovers. After over consumption, hangovers result from a few things. One of which is dehydration. Alcohol makes your kidneys release lots of boy, because it inhibits a hormone called VA suppressant, which is responsible for telling your kidneys to keep water in your body. In simpler terms. Alcohol makes you pee more water. Another reason hangovers feel awful is because alcohol interrupts your sleep, which means you'll wake up more times in the night, or you won't stay in deep sleep. Speaker 0 00:04:20 Now, the nausea you feel is because alcohol irritates your stomach lining and causes extra stomach acid release the stomach. Isn't the only organ going through a tough time though. We can't forget about the brain after the euphoria and calmness. It could experience while alcohol was in your system. It wants more of it, but because you stop drinking king, your brain has to struggle finding its hormonal balance. This leaves you restless and anxious, blah, alcohol will slow your progress for two main reasons. One is that there are liquid calories. So alcohol isn't gonna make you feel full like food can. Secondly, alcohol in the form of mixture rings is higher in calories than you think because they have a lot of sweeteners in them. A Mosco mule, for example, contains 23 grams of sugar in one cup, a mimosa contains 22 grams and even a whiskey sour has nine grams of sugar. Speaker 0 00:05:20 Despite the repercussions of alcohol, it doesn't that you're doomed to never reach your goals. If you drink once in a while, rather than depriving yourself of social gatherings or from a margarita, here's what I recommend. Some of the lowest calorie drinks are gonna be shots, plain and symbol. A shot of vodka runs you around 97 calories, a shot of tequila around one five, and a beer between a hundred and hundred and 53 calories. Even some wine will be around 123 calories per glass. But if you're not into drinking straight up alcohol, but prefer cocktails instead, then I recommend you order a rum and diet Coke, a vodka soda, a margarita on the rocks, champagne, or a hard Selzer for a full list of a bunch of alcohol brands and cocktails. Check out my calorie comparison chart on fitness, manifest.com link in the description, blue low. Speaker 0 00:06:17 I also suggest you establish your non-negotiables and adjust your meal plan. Accordingly. If you wanna include a glass of wine in your dinner, that's fine. Adjust your meals by making sure it includes veggies and a source of protein. As long as you're consuming less calories than you currently do, you'll lose weight or tone. And as with any fitness or meal plan, you'll have to do some experimenting, which leads me to introduce the manifest challenge. An action that you can do this week that will help you live a healthier life. I challenge you to track how many drinks you consume in a week and test out swapping high calorie drinks for lower calorie ones, or try reducing your intake. This will help you understand the effect drink swaps will have on your progress. And then you can adjust your intake as you need the lower body fat you're trying to obtain. Speaker 0 00:07:07 The more you have to limit non-essential calories, which in this case will include eliminating or limiting your alcohol intake. The takeaway from this episode is to create moderation so that you can enjoy your journey and accomplish the goals you set out to achieve over. Restricting can leave you feeling like a failure when you fall off the wagon. So instead make small changes to your intake and meals. When you hit a plateau, just make more small changes. Second lesson I want you to take away from this episode is that your body won't be effective at breaking down and using dietary fat while drinking. So swap greasy foods for options with protein and veggies, you'll still be having fun and enjoying your night. Plus you'll be creating a balance and staying on track to reach your aesthetic goals. Also remember to drink lots of water, at least a or two to minimize your hangover the next day. That's it. For another episode of the fitness manifest podcast. I'm your host Teresa Sena. And if you enjoy this episode, please rate, subscribe, and share it with your friends. Cheers. Speaker 1 00:08:16 If you Speaker 2 00:08:22 Side effects might include motivation, empowerment, giggles, enlightenment inspiration,

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