29. Dispel Health and Fitness Myths with Dr. Swart

Episode 29 January 17, 2022 01:07:01
29. Dispel Health and Fitness Myths with Dr. Swart
Fitness Manifest
29. Dispel Health and Fitness Myths with Dr. Swart

Jan 17 2022 | 01:07:01


Show Notes

Feeling overwhelmed with the massive amount of information online of how to workout, be healthy and get stronger? I have the answers to your questions on this episode. Exercise physiology professor, Dr. Christopher Swart, joins the Fitness Manifest podcast to dispel common health and fitness myths like does fasted cardio burn more calories? And is soreness necessary to progress?


Reach out to Dr. Swart here: https://www.instagram.com/doctor.swart/


Manifest Challenge: As part of the podcast experience, you are encouraged to complete the Manifest Challenge. The Manifest Challenge is an action step that helps you progress in your health and fitness journey.This epsidoes' challenge has options

1. Track your food for 3 days (one day must be a weekend). It will be an eye-opening experience to learn the size of the portions of the foods you're eating

2. Drink a glass of water right after you wake up every morning this week. 

2. Focus on your muscles while working out so that you strenghten your mind-muscle connection and can lead to more muscle growth.


Follow me on:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fitnessmanifest  


Produced by

Catherine Wong & Teresa Cedeno

Edited by 

Catherine Wong

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